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SECTR Complete Camera Culling?

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Hey everyone. I try to get SECTR Camera culling working. In the attached image you can see what I would like to achieve. Vegetation and Objects should be culled based on the visibility on the camera (only a piece of "pie" is drawn). I used Vegetation Studio Pro for this screenshot (image 1).

As far as I understood, this should be possible with SECTR Complete as well? I cannot get this to work yet (see image 2).

- I added the SECTR Culling Camera to the main camera,
- activated "Cull in Editor" and "SRP fix" (as I use URP on Unity 2021.3.24f1).

My player setup uses a Main Camera with a script on the player to control the camera.

Any ideas how to get Culling to work with SECTR?



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  • 4 weeks later...



Does one of you have an link for me to read or view how this works? There was a link in the unity asset store once, when this feature got released (SECTR Vis) but the links are not valid anymore.


I want to do some kind of culling for the player. Gaia won't add any scripts relating to this. And I have no idea where to look in SECTR. Any help appreciated. Thanks :-)

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What I already tested: Addind the SECTR Culling Camera to the main camera and/or the player prefab. This did not do any culling



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Hi @Thomas123,

Sorry, it looked like we missed this question when you posted it. The feature of "drawing only what the camera can see" is called "Frustum Culling". Please note that Unity does this automatically, but that effect is not visible in the scene view.
The scene view will still display all the objects being rendered, which can be confusing when you want to see what objects are being rendered, but it kinda makes sense from a scene editing perspective: It would be annoying if unity would always hide everything that is not rendered which would make it difficult to adjust things during runtime.
The only way I know how to see the frustum culling in action is if you have baked Occlusion culling information into the scene. Only then you can activate a visualization of the current camera culling from the occlusion tab:

The Sectr culling works by evaluating the view lines between portals in an indoor scenario. For outdoor scenes, there are usually no portals that would allow to cull things since you can freely see in all directions without having a window or doorway that would act as a portal.
For outdoors, you can activate "Simple Culling" on the Vis component. This will perform frustum culling based on the sector boxes. As mentioned unity does this already, but you can gain a bit of performance with this setting as sector will hide an entire terrain chunk with all objects on it in its entirety, whereas unity would look at each game object individually to see if it needs to be hidden.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found some additional explanations in this video, if anyone has the same questions as I had :-)

The video mainly about Scene Optimizer, but refers to some Unity Optimizations as well and when to use what.



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