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[HDRP - Shadows] Objects in PW_Object_Medium Layer have shadow popping

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Hello, I just started playing around with Gaia and noticed that when I setup an HDRP world with a biome, the trees show some shadow popping. As in, depending on the orientation/distance of the camera the shadows disappear and reappear.

I looked into it and it seems that if I change the layer of the prefab tree, which by decault is `PW_Object_Medium` the issue is no longer there.

So I'm guessing that it's some sort of performance setting. Is there a way to disable it?


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  • Solution

Hi @sergiogf93, this is indeed a performance setting in Gaia, you have the option to set render distances for the objects and their shadows per layer.  Please select the "Gaia Player" object, and see under "Player Culling Settings":


You can disable the layer culling altogether by switching off "Enable Layer Culling". You can also adjust the values per layer, the values you can enter are the distance from the camera until the culling becomes active. "Object Culling" is referring to the rendering itself, "Shadow Culling" is only the shadows of the object. If you put 0 as distance, you can switch it off for that layer altogether.


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