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I found some problems on shadow caster


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I want to apply shadow caster to sectr, but it can't export a dynamic sectr.  If the sectr is static, it won't caculate the bound.
If I export the static sectr, it will create new static sectr member without referring to the light. So Vis can't work with streamer if I have a dynamic direction light.

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Hi @yangjianing, this is unfortunately a limitation of the system, the system cannot re-evaluate the bounds of the sector under a dynamic directional light if the sector is currently not loaded & in general the static sectors are not meant to have their bounds updated during runtime for performance reasons.
What you could do alternatively is override the bounds of the sector to your own desired range so that all shadows are visible within the rotation range for the directional light. 

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1 hour ago, Peter said:

Hi @yangjianing, this is unfortunately a limitation of the system, the system cannot re-evaluate the bounds of the sector under a dynamic directional light if the sector is currently not loaded & in general the static sectors are not meant to have their bounds updated during runtime for performance reasons.
What you could do alternatively is override the bounds of the sector to your own desired range so that all shadows are visible within the rotation range for the directional light. 

If I could export dynamic sector without using float point fix, they could calculate the bounds.

And I also created a manager in the main scene, when the chunk was loaded, it could find the manager by findobjectoftype, and apply my sun to all of them. Then I would call TheSectr.BoundsUpdateMode = SECTR_Member.BoundsUpdateModes.Always; then it will update the bound when it's still static.

But it would be better to add the function to sectr than placing script at child of every sectors. Your solution might be better for they don't need to update every frame.

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