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Support Question: Scene Optimizer hangs for hours


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hi there,
i bought scene optimizer and tried to optimize my scene (Unity 2021.3.18f1). The optimizing process hangs for hours at one point (Step 12 of 20 Gathering meshes: 11738 of 22678.)
How can I get support to solve this? thank you very much

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Sorry the scene consists of >100k objects and the only suggested way is to make some human split up like some sorting algorithm? Without some automatism / logging this absolut fruitless. Does the tool not have some logging: It is an optimizer, so it is meant to be used with large scenes and give hints in some way.  Or did I misunderstand something?

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Hi @UHG do you see any error messages in the console when this happens and does the unity editor freeze entirely, or is it still possible for you e.g. to access the window menus? (File... Assets, etc.) If it is the latter, it might be worth to check the Editor Logfile to see if you can see an error as the last entry and / or being spammed repeatedly. 
I will review this with an Engineer to see what can be done in terms of logging / finding out which object causes the hang, if there is nothing in scene optimizer yet, we should be able to provide you with a patch that adds logging of the object that is about to be processed so we can identify the problematic mesh easier.

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Thanks for the info, this looks like there is an internal process of unity crashing / hanging without logging an error, we will see to getting you a patch that logs every processed mesh to easier identify which mesh might cause the problem.

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