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ToD Volume Override - Active in Weather no longer available


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I've just noticed that the "Active in Weather" flag has been disabled on the ToD Volume Override in v1.2.

Can you please let me know when this will be restored? It renders the Volume Overrides pretty ineffective, given one of the selling points of HDRP ToD is the weather effects.

Thanks again!

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On 3/3/2023 at 3:52 PM, mroshaw said:


I've just noticed that the "Active in Weather" flag has been disabled on the ToD Volume Override in v1.2.

Can you please let me know when this will be restored? It renders the Volume Overrides pretty ineffective, given one of the selling points of HDRP ToD is the weather effects.

Thanks again!


Yes it was disable due to having to many issues in our testing. It will be turned on in a future update once we get the bugs related to the issue resolved.

The choice to disable it was in order to get 1.2.0 out if we didn't disable this, 1.2.0 would have been delayed even longer.
Hopefully we can get this feature enabled again in the next update.

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Thanks @Josh,

What's the release schedule look like for the next update?

I understand you can't give a date, but is it days, weeks, months, quarters, years?


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