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Kiel 1242


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In my private time I start to create a historical reconstruction of my hometown - Kiel 1242. 
I'd to start this project a few times from scratch to find out - what is the best workflow.

Here I'll publish my whole experience with this project.

But first things first.

At the beginning I thought  I could do all the stuff in Blender, but then I need a complete visitable place - not a game, but an expierience.
I spent  a lot of time of research and reading - if are interested you can find a overview here: Kiel 1242. Main language is german but you can switch to English and Frensh.

Well wich tools did I use:

  • Unity 2022.2.8.f1 HDRP
  • Gaia Pro 2021 and Gena Pro 2021
    HDRP Time of Day
    some other plugins from Canopy
  • Ambient Sounds
  • BFG Environment Pack and Spawner

I need to integreate:

  • Crest HDRP
  • Game Creator 2
  • Substance for Unity
  • Prefabs from Nature Manufacture: Forest, Meadow and Mountain Environment - maybe R.A.M. - but I miss there the underwater expierience.


At my first tests this configuration "killed" my system - neverless I choose it again and hope it will work.



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If I use NM-assets I have to update the HDPR-packages and add some profiles.


R.A.M. HDRP-Package


Forest Environment HDRP-package


Meadow Environment HDRP-package


Mountain Enivronment HDRP-package


Drag and Drop HD-Profiles to Project Setting - Diffusion Profile List.

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After that I saved project and scene. I also use Unity Version Control and build a new changeset after every step I did. 

Now I import the Canopy assets:

  • BIG Environment Pack
  • Gaia
  • HDRP Time of Day
  • Gena and Gena Extrusion Plugin
  • Ambient Sounds
  • BEPR Spawner Pack

This routine is explained here.

Then I installed the spawner package from Gena and the HDRP BEPR Package.

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7 minutes ago, FrankReiser said:

After that I saved project and scene. I also use Unity Version Control and build a new changeset after every step I did. 

Now I import the Canopy assets:

  • BIG Environment Pack
  • Gaia
  • HDRP Time of Day
  • Gena and Gena Extrusion Plugin
  • Ambient Sounds
  • BEPR Spawner Pack

This routine is explained here.

Then I installed the spawner package from Gena and the HDRP BEPR Package.

I import HDRP Time of Day without any deletings or changings like explained in some instructions. 


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2 minutes ago, FrankReiser said:

I import HDRP Time of Day without any deletings or changings like explained in some instructions. 


Big Environment need a package update and same changes - I accept them all. 

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I got a lot of errors and warnings but I can all clear them and actual they didn't appear again after restart Unity.

As next step I import the HDRP content of BEPR Spawner Pack.



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After a few hours of installion, importing and HDRP updating I start the HDRP Wizzard and select 



Big Environment Pack and Game Creator 2 need that. That needs a lot of time.

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