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HDRP ToD v1.2.0 - updated documentation anywhere?


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Is there an update to the HDRP ToD documentation that describes the new features?

  1. API improvements - is the API documented anywhere?
  2. Probe system improvements - is there some documentation that explains how this works, and how best to use it?
  3. New culling system - is this documented somewhere? How best to use, and is there a way to toggle this on and off?
  4. Underwater mode - where is this configured and how does it work? Is this documented anywhere? Is there a dependency or connection with Gaia and Gaia Water? I'm using Crest HDRP, so interested in whether this new feature is relevant to me.

Thank you!

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Thanks both. The documentation included in the asset is the same as 1.1. That page and video are dated nearly a year ago. So no, it's not up to date which is why I've raised this ticket. 

What I'm specifically after are details of the new systems in v1.2.0:

  1. API improvements - is the API documented anywhere?
  2. Probe system improvements - is there some documentation that explains how this works, and how best to use it?
  3. New culling system - is this documented somewhere? How best to use, and is there a way to toggle this on and off?
  4. Underwater mode - where is this configured and how does it work? Is this documented anywhere? Is there a dependency or connection with Gaia and Gaia Water? I'm using Crest HDRP, so interested in whether this new feature is relevant to me.

Even just an API reference would be useful. I'm sure I can work it all out by digging through code, but it would be better to have some proper docs. 


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We can look into getting our documentation updated and creating more documentation. 
A lot of the documentation regarding HDRP time of day is still correct. 
However, more documentation is always helpful. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I mean, I don't disagree that a lot of it is correct, but it's not great that some of it is not. I'm not asking for "more documentation" - just provide up-to-date documentation of the features of the asset. Sorry if that sounds unreasonable, but I think it's a fair ask for an asset that cost a lot of money - to me, anyway, as a hobby dev.


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