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Gena Editor Error (EnsureRunningOnMainThread) on scene startup

Go to solution Solved by Manny,

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In Unity 2021.3.18f1, if you have multiple scenes that use gena and switch between them in the editor, a unity error shows up in the editor.

It doesn't seem to be a specific 2021 LTS version issue as I had this issue with the older 2021 LTS versions like 2021.3.13f1, but I didn't report this bug last time since I skipped upgrading gena due to this bug.

Gena Pro ver 3.4.7

InvalidOperationException: EnsureRunningOnMainThread can only be called from the main thread
UnityEngine.Object.EnsureRunningOnMainThread () (at <4014a86cbefb4944b2b6c9211c8fd2fc>:0)
UnityEngine.Object.GetInstanceID () (at <4014a86cbefb4944b2b6c9211c8fd2fc>:0)
UnityEngine.Object.IsNativeObjectAlive (UnityEngine.Object o) (at <4014a86cbefb4944b2b6c9211c8fd2fc>:0)
UnityEngine.Object.CompareBaseObjects (UnityEngine.Object lhs, UnityEngine.Object rhs) (at <4014a86cbefb4944b2b6c9211c8fd2fc>:0)
UnityEngine.Object.op_Equality (UnityEngine.Object x, UnityEngine.Object y) (at <4014a86cbefb4944b2b6c9211c8fd2fc>:0)
GeNa.Core.GeNaManager.Dispose () (at <da30f21bf64d4cf3acba488bc83ff301>:0)
GeNa.Core.GeNaManager.OnAfterDeserialize () (at <da30f21bf64d4cf3acba488bc83ff301>:0)

To reproduce this issue.

Ensure you have two scenes that uses Gena.

Method 1

1) Start Unity with the scene A already loaded that has Gena.

The error shows up

Method 2

1) When scene A is loaded in the unity editor, load scene B into the editor by double clicking it.

The same error shows up here.

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  • chiken changed the title to Gena Editor Error (EnsureRunningOnMainThread) on scene startup
  • Solution

Hello @chiken!

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the bug you encountered with GeNa. I understand that you were encountering an error when switching between scenes in Unity 2021.3.18f1. I'm glad to inform you that we have been able to replicate the issue and have just fixed it in the latest version of GeNa Pro ver 3.4.7.

Please try updating to the latest version and let us know if you continue to encounter any issues. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience while we worked to resolve this issue.

GeNa Pro v3.4.8 Download

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