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Bunch of errors when trying to spawn Grass/Details


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I have been trying to use the Flora system for quite a while now but I keep on getting errors. I have tried a bunch of things and I usually find a workaround, but this one prevents me from playing. Even disabling Flora throws errors. I have tried despawning everything as well. Any ideas?


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It could be a detail object was assigned a number that was out of range for either the list of trees, grasses, or splatmap channels. For instance, if you set the source data index to 2 for details, but there is only 1 detail placed in the scene, it would cause an error like this.

Can you please check the index? 
Should be attached to the terrain itself. 
Also check your flora settings. 

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3 hours ago, Bryan said:

It could be a detail object was assigned a number that was out of range for either the list of trees, grasses, or splatmap channels. For instance, if you set the source data index to 2 for details, but there is only 1 detail placed in the scene, it would cause an error like this.

Can you please check the index? 
Should be attached to the terrain itself. 
Also check your flora settings. 

I'm using a multi-terrain approach as my scene is huge, so Im not sure where to check. I'm currently trying to recreate the terrains using the World Designer and respawn eveything on top, like textures, detatils etc

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As you can see here I have 26 flora Renderers. 
Each is assigned to one of the following Source Data Index. 
A Source Data Index is tied to the terrain texture. 
First texture or far left is 0 then count up. 

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