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Pegasus not Creatable after Play Mode


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When using Pegasus, I am able to create POIs in Play Mode, and the Spheres will appear in the editor. When exiting Play Mode, they will disappear, but when clicking Pegasus Capture, the option to Create Pegasus from those POIs is greyed out and unclickable. I am able to click Create Pegasus during the Play Mode, and it works, but obviously the Manager is destroyed once Play Mode ends. I am very rarely able to click Create Pegasus outside of Play Mode after setting up POIs, but I have tried dozens of times to recreate this scenario, and I am unable to find a pattern. I am almost never able to Create Pegasus after exiting Play Mode, and with this limitation it is unfortunately unusable.

Creating flythrough videos is all I need left to do on my projects. I have used Pegasus numerous times in the past without issue. The last time I tried to use it a year or more ago, I had issues that would not allow me to complete my video. The support mentioned they would get back to me after looking into it. I wanted to try it again now, since it used to work so amazingly for me and I hoped the errors were fixed after a year or more.
If anyone knows why this is happening or what I may be doing incorrectly, please let me know. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

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