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Edit Spawn Criteria in Gena Spawner


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I have an issue with my spawners, I want to change the MinHeight & maxHeight in the spawn criteria via script because my spawning system use different height where my objects should spawn depending on the method I use. But those value don't change on the inspector and so don't spawn my objects how it should.


I thought the saving doesn't work but it does when I change the minInstances & maxInstances value in the spawnerData but when I try to change any value in the SpawnCriteria it doesn't change anything.

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Hello @TakeruGrima,

Thank you for reaching out to us about the issues you're experiencing with changing the MinHeight and MaxHeight values in the Spawn Criteria via script.

If the values you're changing in the script aren't being reflected in the inspector, one possible solution is to use the GeNaSpawner.Save method to save the changes made to the SpawnerData object. This should allow you to save the MinHeight and MaxHeight values and have them properly applied.

To use this method, you can call it after changing the SpawnerData object in your script. This will ensure that the changes are saved and applied correctly.

If you continue to experience issues after trying this solution, please don't hesitate to let us know and provide additional details on the specific issues you're facing. We'll do our best to assist you in resolving the issue.

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