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Spot Light doesn't illuminate 360 degrees of terrain

Go to solution Solved by Torqus,

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I have an issue with Spot lights not working on some Y degrees, I'm creating a terrain using Gaia 2021 pro and URP shader.

I just create a simple terrain using the World Generator, Generate runtime and Biome, then I add a spotlight and it just works on half the rotation degrees but not the other ones, for example on Y 0 it works but on Y 180 light is completely invisible.

I tried the same light on normal terrain and it works, it also works on objects with no problem, the issue is only with the gaia generated terrain.

Any ideas?



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Can you please try to increase the additional light count in the URP asset higher and setting the lights render mode to be important rather than not or auto: 

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Turns out it's not an issue with the lighting system, the issue happens on my custom biome with my textures but not on the default "Alpine Meadow" one. So I'll try changing the textures and finding out what the issue is.

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  • Solution

There, by going to the terrain layers and changing that "Normal Scale" from 1 to 0 the issue was fixed. Weird though because I am importing a normal map, but maybe it's missing something? I'll read about that. Light was probably not working because the normal was messed up on the texture.
Thanks for the help.


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  • 4 weeks later...

@Torqus I got same problem when I used mask texture in normal texture field by my mistake, maybe same happend to you? Changing normal scale to 0 completely removes normals, also when I google this problem, people adviced to check normal texture import type, there should be Normal map, not Sprite or Default.

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