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Question about combining Sectr and Ambient Sounds


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Hey all! Was just wondering if someone wouldn't mind telling me if I should be able to roughly do what I have in mind using Sectr and Ambient Sounds:

In my game, I was thinking of having different defined regions that the player can seamlessly walk between, and in doing so would cause a shift in visuals, background music, etc. I was looking at some videos of the different tools and saw that Sectr can split terrain for streaming, but it seemed to be in a very grid like pattern. Is there any way to customize the way in which a terrain is split up, and then I guess detect when the player moves from one terrain section/zone to another to then kick off the Ambient Sounds event flags?

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You should be able to do that with the audio / audio areas. 
However, the chunking part is only in that grid like pattern unless you make your own sectors and portals (this would typically only be done on buildings and prefabs not terrain). 

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