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Some bugs with GTS


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Hello guys! Today I bought GTS (terrain shader) from asset store. It works well, I love it. Lots of instruments make my landscape look well. But here is a little bug (in my opinion). When I add a new terrain label texture, all the settings (like texture smoothness) get lost. Then I tune it one more time, add a new texture and smoothness get lost one more time. I am using the latest version of Unity 2021.3 LTS. What should I do? Maybe I forgot something or it is realy a bug. Also there is a little thing, when I save scene, some places of heightmap blendings, there are black quads. Helps only when I click (set profile). After restarting scene this black quads returns. (sorry, if you found any mistakes in my english)

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Hi @RobTur,

For the second issue, can you navigate to the terrain component, and find the material template slot. 


Select the material, and keep the location of the material open in the project window: image.png.987315dd44a08c0d751197fb9893876b.png

Try hitting the 'Remove Profile' on the GTS Profile, then delete the data (or the folder containing the data above).

Then hit the 'Apply Profile' again. 


As for the first issue, which method do you use to add a new terrain texture? Do you add it through the terrain component by adding a new terrain layer?


And by tuning, do you mean editing the values in the GTS Terrain Layers section? image.png.6fdf3c32848fe9454feb6c689d1a8372.png

GTS tris to ensure that changes made from a terrain layer (i.e. default unity terrain shader) will also carry across into the GTS terrain layers. 

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