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Compile errors on many of the Gaia Scripts

Go to solution Solved by Peter,

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I have imported Gaia 2021 Pro to an existing project. After the import it does not start the install that it did when I tested it in a brand new project. Checking I see that I have loads of compile errors on the Gaia scripts. Any ideas on what I need to do to get this to work?spacer.png


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Can you please tell me what Unity version you are using? 
What render pipeline you are using? 
Are you using Mac or PC? 
Are you using the standard Unity Terrain system before using Gaia or another asset? 

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  • Solution

Hi @Marius, looking at these errors it looks to me like another asset in that project or one of your own scripts does overwrite the definition of the term "Scene" in the main namespace. So when the Gaia code refers to a "Scene" (which would normally refer to an Unity scene object) the code will instead be linked to the other definition which in turn then leads to these errors.
You can check where this might be coming from by double clicking on one of these errors and then right clicking the term "Scene" in the code and selecting "Go to definition". 

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Hi @Peter
Thank you for your answer, that was spot on. I'm embarrassed to say I found more than one instance of poor naming choice on my part.


Thank you for quick reply and very helpful answers.

This might be unrelated,  but now that I can start up Gaia and try to make a terrain I immediately gets an error connected to the preview of the terrain.

Trying to access pass 1, but material 'Hidden/Gaia/StampPreview' subshader (0) has only 1 valid passes.
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
Gaia.GaiaMultiTerrainOperation:Visualize (Gaia.MultiTerrainOperationType,UnityEngine.RenderTexture,UnityEngine.Material,int) (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/MultiTerrainSystem/GaiaMultiTerrainOperation.cs:3162)
Gaia.Stamper:DrawStampPreview (System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Gaia.StamperSettings>,bool) (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/StampingSystem/Stamper.cs:1920)
Gaia.SpawnerEditor:DuringSceneGUI (UnityEditor.SceneView) (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/Editor/SpawnerEditor.cs:953)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)



Maybe some om @Bryans questions bare inpact on this so I will include answers to them:

- Unity 2021.3.13f1


- Windows Home10 22H2

- I have deleted the terrain I used before, so when I get this error there is no terrain in the scene other than the one that I'm trying to make, and I can't see as the preview is having an error




Edited by Marius
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Hi @Marius, this is a known issue where a shader include file does not update correctly when the Gaia installation folder is moved after the install. Please right click your Procedural Worlds folder and click "reimport" on it, and it should fix all the missing path references that cause the error.
We will have a new update our soon that will fix this for good.

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