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Rain object size


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Hey, my rain is either just over the main character as if someone has a shower just out of camera view, or it comes down in clumps across the full width of the screen 


I can see the size and shape of the rain object in gismos and can resize the shape but this doesn't change the area the rain particle box, nor helps me understand where to adjust the rain.


Is there any tutorials on rain settings anywhere?



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Our rain is multiple layers: 

This surrounds the player and moves with the player for different levels of detail. 
Then the rain map itself is just a texture: 

These can be changed through the Particle System_Rain: 


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Ive seen that but I don't see how to widen the centre particles to cover the with of the recorded screen. Additionally the extra layers aren't visible.


Do you have a standard set of settings to enable full width particles and to make the other layers visible?1807252641_Screenshot2022-11-18at08_20_11.thumb.png.49225d71418e793e5ebd80daa860486e.png

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It looks like you are using a custom player and camera. 
Did you use the Gaia Custom player and attach your player and camera to that? 
You would need to do so if you want these systems to work. 

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