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ScriptableObjectDrawer.cs draws all scriptable objects of the project (not just Gena)

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ScriptableObjectDrawer.cs draws all scriptable objects in the project, not just Gena. That's really cumbersome because I don't want other scriptable objects to be drawn that way. Also, it messes with the popular OdinInspector package which I use (see image below).


My solution was to skip it by writing another property drawer with this code below, but it's pretty annoying because I have to add all new scriptable objects I make this way.

[DrawerPriority(0f, 0f, 0.5f)]
public class SkipScriptableObjectDrawerFromOtherAsset : OdinValueDrawer<ThingType>
    protected override void Initialize()
        this.SkipWhenDrawing = true;

        var drawerFromOtherAsset = Property.GetActiveDrawerChain().BakedChain
            .FirstOrDefault(drawer => drawer is AbstractTypeUnityPropertyDrawer<ScriptableObjectDrawer, ScriptableObject, ThingType>);

        if (drawerFromOtherAsset == null) return;

        drawerFromOtherAsset.SkipWhenDrawing = true;


Is there a solution so that it only draws scriptable objects from Gena?




1 week without a comment? It's really sloppy for such an expensive asset to include a drawer that draws ALL scriptable objects in a project, instead of only those in the asset.

  • Solution

Hey Nicknev sorry for the delay in response. 
After reviewing this script you can actually remove it as its not necessary. 
We will be removing this in the next update. 


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