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GTS HDRP UNITY 2022.3 Invisible terrain


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WIn  11  HDRP ..  I have looked around the net .. asked chat  .. looked thu here...   This seems to be

a problem more people have then just me ?    I have tried everything I can think of..


Please tell me how to fix this..  explain it like to a 3 year old plz  😉  


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7 minutes ago, Mark_ said:

WIn  11  HDRP ..  I have looked around the net .. asked chat  .. looked thu here...   This seems to be

a problem more people have then just me ?    I have tried everything I can think of..   The Terrain goes Invisible when applied 

Please tell me how to fix this..  explain it like to a 3 year old plz  😉  



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Just have looked into this and this has to deal with the latest release of Unity HDRP. 
We are looking into a new official release. 


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Thank you.. I tried Unity 2022.x  and 2023.  LT  latest ..   Neither works for me..

I figure I am doing it right.    I loved CST\GTS   and   coming back to Unity after many years  away,

I like the HDRP  pipe line..   I think GTS is amazing and really prefer it to some of the others 

I have got over the years.    Thanks guys, so much for your attention to this  😉

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No worries, currently the team is swamped at the moment but we will take a look into this and get back as soon as possible. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/10/2024 at 1:10 PM, Bryan said:

No worries, currently the team is swamped at the moment but we will take a look into this and get back as soon as possible. 

Hi  Bryan,    Thank you very much for the update.  I love the HDRP  now,  never had used it at all.. BUT,  this is like

UE in graphics .. So  I  am looking very forward to this working .. in Unity 23.x   


Thanks , so much !

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No worries! 
Yeah, I always use HDRP for pretty much everything anymore. 
It takes a lot more work but honestly well worth it if you want your project to look like modern-day stuff hahahaha. 
URP you can achieve a lot of the same quality as well but builtin is rough for sure. 

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On 5/28/2024 at 1:57 PM, Bryan said:

No worries! 
Yeah, I always use HDRP for pretty much everything anymore. 
It takes a lot more work but honestly well worth it if you want your project to look like modern-day stuff hahahaha. 
URP you can achieve a lot of the same quality as well but builtin is rough for sure. 


I think I managed to get GTS  HDRP working in a older version on Unity..  I see the asset directory had " HDRP " upgrades ..

As a thought , just in case, is there any outside dependencies that this might be looking for ?  Like VS installed ?

even then it seems hit and miss..    SO for now  .. ??  Is there a list of Unity Versions that GTS is working in now ?   I have other terrain shaders .. BUT  I really like GTS the best ...  I wish it was working a bit better..  anyway  is there a confirmed list

of Unity versions I can use GTS  in ?  Thanks so much  😉


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It is possible,  my Unity installs were kind of Nerfed ...   In the scene view in HDRP the background was black,

I could not find a way to make it lighter..   

I ended up Ripping out ALL things Unity Via REVO,   cleared all App data, except the license ..


Re-installing hub, than reinstalling the Unity Versions through the hub.   ALSO,  it seemed to still give errors on a HDRP .. project..

I had to make a built in project than URP .. Than  HDRP  ...  it seems to work,,, BUT if you turn on the rain settings. it seems

to make some of the terrain go black..  It is a bit frustrating because GTS looks so good when it is working in the project.  


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The HDRP project in my observation has always had issues, as it due to the preconfigured parts that can cause it. 
I always start in a built-in and then change to HDRP. 
You don't have to go URP then to HDRP. You can go from Built-in to HDRP directly. 

What rain are you referring to just so I know. 
The rain settings from GTS? 


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  • 3 weeks later...

This is way late but I was having this problem with Microsplat.  Turns out you need to be developing with your highest quality display setting.

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  • 4 weeks later...
21 hours ago, Jacob Short said:

Any news on a new release? I have the same issue.

I know Unity 6 is not compatible yet, but GTS and Unity 2022.3 should be 


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