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Scene Optimizer export size.


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I just bought Scene Optimizer for unity. It works great and the performance is excellent, but there is a problem that for me is quite big. During export when I work with your plugin the file size is huge. 4-5 times more than it should be. Without the plugin the project weighs about 120MB and with the plugin it weighs almost 500MB when exported (I build for WebGL So it's really important.) what can i do? 

Textures               60.2 mb     52.0% 
Meshes                 50.9 mb     44.0% 
Animations             511.3 kb     0.4% 
Sounds                 89.2 kb     0.1% 
Shaders                232.5 kb     0.2% 
Other Assets           3.5 mb     3.1% 
Levels                 0.0 kb     0.0% 
Scripts                244.4 kb     0.2% 
Included DLLs          0.0 kb     0.0% 
File headers           64.2 kb     0.1% 
Total User Assets      115.7 mb     100.0% 
Complete build size    469.9 mb

I would really appreciate some support. Thanks!

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