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Insane Grass

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I have been trying to figure out the whole grass/flower part of the renderer, when in edit mode, it has the right amount of grass until I run the scene then its flooded. What am I doing wrong? I don't want that run time grass everywhere.




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What is happening during runtime is that Gaia's own grass rendering system called "Flora" is kicking in - we added our own system for Grass rendering because unity originally did not support grass in HDRP & the terrain detail system was lacking in other aspects as well. How it works is it takes the placement data of the original terrain details as input, but renders an instanced indirect mesh instead as replacement. You could either tune it to your liking, or remove it entirely.
To tune the grass items flora displays during runtime, start the scene and then check the Terrain object for child objects that represent the grass items that are being displayed:

You can tick on and off the "disable" checkbox to identify which item this represents in the scene view, then adjust all the settings for that item, most importantly the density. The settings will automatically be stored and saved in the spawner for this scene as well.

If you want to disable flora entirely, open the resource settings for the grass spawn rules in the grass spawner and click the "Disable All" button.


This should deactivate it in the spawner, but also remove the Flora terrain tile component from the terrain.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! Another grass question, how to use Nature Manufacture grass with Gaia Pro 2021 flora system ? I can't get it to show..  The unity versions of NM's grass works but I can only see the grass in runtime. But I would like to use his high quality grass..m

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Make sure in the Gaia Spawner that you have Enable Flora System enabled: 

I have yet to use NM grass with flora but you should be able to use almost any grass mesh. 


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It was easy. I created new spawners for everything. And then the grass spawner, I added the texture and enabled flora.. and then added the mesh that was for the texture I added. Works nicely..

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