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HDRP ToD weather particles not stopped by Interior Weather volume in Gaia Water


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I'm using HDRP ToD along with Gaia Runtime, mainly for the Water.


I've created a Game Object as a child of Gaia Water > Water Surface, attached an "HDRP Time of Day Interior Controller" component, along with a box collider. I've set the layer (Triggers - I'm using Invector controller), and sized the collider so that it fills the water space.




The idea is that, if it's raining or snowing, if the camera submerges, the particles are blocked.


However, when I do submerge the camera, the particle effects stop briefly, then resume again.


I have a Gaia Scene Player component, active on a Gaia Player Game Object in the scene.


Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?

Thanks again!

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With underwater handling, i have added a new underwater mode HDRP TOD and this allows you to set the sea level yourself and to use audio reverb to add underwater reverb effect. This will come in the new update along with other things, there is much more i want to do with the system but adding things in slowly as making sure it all works takes time.



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