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Gaia Water not rendering and trigger error


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I have an issue with the Gaia Water. I didn't make modifications on it but suddenly it doesn't render water and trigger this error :


Updating all reflection settings had a issue Object reference not set to an instance of an object This came from   at Gaia.PWS_WaterSystem.UpdateShaderValues (Gaia.GaiaWaterProfileValues profileValues) [0x00045] in C:\_Anklebreaker\ReignOfDwarf\Reign-Of-Dwarf\Assets\Procedural Worlds\Gaia\Scripts\Water System\Reflections\PWS_WaterSystem.cs:1984 
  at Gaia.GaiaWater.SetupWaterReflectionSettings (Gaia.SceneProfile profile, Gaia.GaiaWaterProfileValues waterProfileValues, System.Boolean forceUpdate) [0x000a8] in C:\_Anklebreaker\ReignOfDwarf\Reign-Of-Dwarf\Assets\Procedural Worlds\Gaia\Scripts\Water System\Editor\GaiaWater.cs:1408 
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
Gaia.GaiaWater:SetupWaterReflectionSettings (Gaia.SceneProfile,Gaia.GaiaWaterProfileValues,bool) (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/Water System/Editor/GaiaWater.cs:1506)
Gaia.GaiaWater:UpdateGlobalWater (UnityEngine.Material,Gaia.GaiaWaterProfileValues,bool,bool,Gaia.SceneProfile) (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/Water System/Editor/GaiaWater.cs:199)
Gaia.GaiaWater:GetProfile (int,Gaia.SceneProfile,bool,bool) (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/Water System/Editor/GaiaWater.cs:91)
Gaia.GaiaManagerEditor:CreateWater (Gaia.GaiaSettings) (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/Editor/GaiaManagerEditor.cs:5582)
Gaia.GaiaManagerEditor:CreateGaiaExtras (Gaia.GaiaSettings,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<string>,int) (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/Editor/GaiaManagerEditor.cs:5427)
Gaia.GaiaManagerEditor:DrawRuntimeCreation (bool) (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/Editor/GaiaManagerEditor.cs:2341)
PWCommon5.EditorUtils:Panel (UnityEngine.GUIContent,string,System.Action`1<bool>,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,bool,bool,bool,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])
PWCommon5.EditorUtils:Panel (UnityEngine.GUIContent,string,System.Action`1<bool>,bool,bool,bool,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])
PWCommon5.EditorUtils:Panel (string,System.Action`1<bool>,bool,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])
Gaia.GaiaManagerEditor:RuntimeCreationTab () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/Editor/GaiaManagerEditor.cs:653)
PWCommon5.EditorUtils:Tabs (PWCommon5.TabSet,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])
Gaia.GaiaManagerEditor:StandardTab () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/Editor/GaiaManagerEditor.cs:1105)
PWCommon5.EditorUtils:Tabs (PWCommon5.TabSet,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])
Gaia.GaiaManagerEditor:OnGUI () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Gaia/Scripts/Editor/GaiaManagerEditor.cs:3801)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)


This error happened many times and it's really annoying. I tried to go back in my changes and it din't fix it. Do you have an idea of what is going on here ?

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Hi @TakeruGrima please excuse the delayed response. We had a look at this from the code side of view, and it looks like the water system is missing some internal reference to one of the water materials that is used to render the water. Can you please try the following to fix the issue:


1. Select the "Water Surface" object in your scene (found in "Gaia Water")

2. Switch the inspector window into debug mode (right click on the window tab)

3. Drag and drop the water material found at the bottom of the window in the "Water Material" slot above.


this should fix the issue. If there is no water material stored on the object, you would need to re-create the Water surface object - this can be done by deleting it from the scene and then switching back and forth between the water presets in the Gaia Water object (switch to another profile, then to that you actually want) This should recreate the water surface object with the material references intact.

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6 hours ago, Russ Menapace said:

Having a similar problem that may be related.  I have some water, but it's borked:image.thumb.png.4affbb84857b09f786aec68989c16465.png


The Water Material is set correctly.

Are you using Mac? 


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If so this is an issue with Metal graphics API and the water shader. Open the water shader file in Assets\Procedural Worlds\Gaia\Shaders\PW General\PW_Water.shaderIn line 61, remove the two leading slashes "//" to comment in the command "ZWrite Off".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I heard recently that it changed to line 69 potentially. 
So as long as you removed the // marks then it should work. 
You dont need to type it in. 

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