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errors after updating to GeNa Pro 3.3.21

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Received these two errors after updating to GeNa Pro 3.3.21 (the previous version worked okay).


Assets\Procedural Worlds\GeNa\Scripts\Editor\Utilities\GeNaEditorUtility.cs(872,21): error CS1061: 'Spawner' does not contain a definition for 'SetDefaults' and no accessible extension method 'SetDefaults' accepting a first argument of type 'Spawner' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)


Assets\Procedural Worlds\GeNa\Scripts\Editor\Utilities\GeNaEditorUtility.cs(873,21): error CS1061: 'Spawner' does not contain a definition for 'Version' and no accessible extension method 'Version' accepting a first argument of type 'Spawner' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)


In the editor, the code is under //Create the spawner



spawner.Version = 2;


Thank you for your time.



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My subject (errors after updating to GeNa Pro 3.3.21) may have been misleading. I should have given more information. I purchased GeNa last week. It was still on 3.3.17 I believe...don't remember, but empty project. I downloaded the assets from the store installed Gaia and GeNa first and it worked ok. When the update notice came, I deleted the project (it was for learning assets purchased recently), created a new project, redownloaded the assets, and after importing GeNa...that's when the errors occurred. Unity will not compile scripts. If I close out of Unity and reopen, it asks to go to safe mode.


I tried deleting and recreating the projects with different asset install orders to see if there was a conflict. Errors happened each time. Finally, I deleted that project, created a new one, and this time Gaia was installed next to last, and then GeNa last so to make sure another asset wasn't rewriting the code. Same errors. Since I was out of town this is on a laptop.


When I saw your message today, I proceeded to install on my main desktop. Uninstalled the old version of Unity and installed the latest LTS 2021.3.9f1 Unity Version. Created a new project, downloaded the assets that have never been used on the machine, imported, configured, and then installed Gaia next to last (then configured), and then GeNa last. Same errors.


Deleted the 'GeNa' folder inside of 'Assets/Procedural Worlds' and re-download and reimport GeNa from the Package Manager. Same Errors.


I just performed a few more tests. Installed GeNa new project, no other assets, works.

                                                        Installed Gaia, configured, and installed GeNa no other assets, works.


Code under Create Spawner is the same

in Rider = cannot resolve symbol 'Set Defaults'

                 cannot resolve symbol 'Version'

in Visual Studio Community 2022 - couldn't find definition if I remember correctly.


So some other asset is causing a conflict with GeNa to generate the errors even though GeNa was installed last.


If I figure out the asset do I contact Procedural Worlds or the other asset creator or both?








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21 minutes ago, suriel said:

My subject (errors after updating to GeNa Pro 3.3.21) may have been misleading. I should have given more information. I purchased GeNa last week. It was still on 3.3.17 I believe...don't remember, but empty project. I downloaded the assets from the store installed Gaia and GeNa first and it worked ok. When the update notice came, I deleted the project (it was for learning assets purchased recently), created a new project, redownloaded the assets, and after importing GeNa...that's when the errors occurred. Unity will not compile scripts. If I close out of Unity and reopen, it asks to go to safe mode.


I tried deleting and recreating the projects with different asset install orders to see if there was a conflict. Errors happened each time. Finally, I deleted that project, created a new one, and this time Gaia was installed next to last, and then GeNa last so to make sure another asset wasn't rewriting the code. Same errors. Since I was out of town this is on a laptop.


When I saw your message today, I proceeded to install on my main desktop. Uninstalled the old version of Unity and installed the latest LTS 2021.3.9f1 Unity Version. Created a new project, downloaded the assets that have never been used on the machine, imported, configured, and then installed Gaia next to last (then configured), and then GeNa last. Same errors.


Deleted the 'GeNa' folder inside of 'Assets/Procedural Worlds' and re-download and reimport GeNa from the Package Manager. Same Errors.


I just performed a few more tests. Installed GeNa new project, no other assets, works.

                                                        Installed Gaia, configured, and installed GeNa no other assets, works.


Code under Create Spawner is the same

in Rider = cannot resolve symbol 'Set Defaults'

                 cannot resolve symbol 'Version'

in Visual Studio Community 2022 - couldn't find definition if I remember correctly.


So some other asset is causing a conflict with GeNa to generate the errors even though GeNa was installed last.


If I figure out the asset do I contact Procedural Worlds or the other asset creator or both?








Found it or at least one of them...All the asset packages installed correctly with GeNa previously installed. 


Opsive - Behavior Designer 3rd party integration with Pixel Crusher's when installed generated the GeNa errors:


Assets\Procedural Worlds\GeNa\Scripts\Editor\Utilities\GeNaEditorUtility.cs(872,21): error CS1061: 'Spawner' does not contain a definition for 'SetDefaults' and no accessible extension method 'SetDefaults' accepting a first argument of type 'Spawner' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)


Assets\Procedural Worlds\GeNa\Scripts\Editor\Utilities\GeNaEditorUtility.cs(873,21): error CS1061: 'Spawner' does not contain a definition for 'Version' and no accessible extension method 'Version' accepting a first argument of type 'Spawner' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)


I'll keep testing integrations one by one to make sure that is the only product.


Please let me know if I need to keep Procedural Worlds informed, the other asset creator, or both.




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  • Solution

That would mean that these assets use the same name space. 
Which tends to happen with common words. 

They would you would need to change one of the namespaces (usually which ever is easier). 


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