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External Time of Day


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Hello. My game is built around Atavism, and it keeps track of time of day for all players. Enviro gets its time of day from Atavism through WAPI. Is there a convenient way to feed time of day into Ambient Sounds from an external asset like this, or would this need to be coded?


Thank you

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It could be possible to tie this into Ambient Sounds events and modifiers. 
Although I am not 100 percent sure as its been a long time since I have used Enviro. 
I would look at the events documentation though. I know you can tie into some things light custom scripts when you are fighting an enemy. So I dont see why you couldnt tie into the TOD. 


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Thank you. The connection is working now, but I'm having trouble understanding how to make changes to the required values and have them stick.


I began by copying the example in the demo. It worked in my zone, and by changing the time of day in Atavism, I could move the vertical line to different places. This is about 15:00, so obviously I needed to have daytime sounds in the middle of the graph.



Then I started deleting and replacing sequences until I had something simple that I wanted to try:



But when I pressed play to test this, I was hearing crickets during the day. I looked at the same graph and saw this:



So it kept one of my changes (adding the Evening sequences), but none of the others. Am I editing this window wrong?


Thank you


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I fixed the problem by deleting the entire demo folder. It was loading sequences from there, though I can't imagine why it would do that after I deleted them over and over, but that's what it was doing. After I deleted the demo folders, all that remained were the sequences I added

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/7/2022 at 11:57 PM, Bryan said:

Interesting, dont know if maybe you were using the demo sequences? 
That may have done it, but I will note that for future development. 


I did begin by looking at the demo sequences to figure out how they worked before working on sounds in my own scene. It's possible I got something in there confused while learning.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi, I am in the same boat as Crowsinger. Im using Enviro 3 with Ambient Sounds and am trying to figure out how to connect Enviros time of day with Ambient sounds but unlike Crowsinger I cant figure out how to connect with it. Is he using something on Enviros event API to connect with ambient sounds? I can setup a time of day event with values in the manager but how does that connect to Enviros cycle?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am honestly not sure as I have not used Enviro. 
We do have a Sequence system that you could call on in order to see a connection between the two. 
They would have requirements that you could put in place potentially. 


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