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Terrain Decorators Not Automatically Flattening in Prefab Spawners


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Hi there, 


I'm super new with GeNa. I tried to set up a terrain decorator to automatically flatten the ground under prefab buildings I'm trying to place. I set it up the way they said to in the tutorial.. he said to attach the decorator to an empty object within the prefab, and make sure it's at the top of the hierarchy in said prefab, which I did. It's just not applying when I place the prefab. 


... I know I have the level set properly. When I place the prefab by hand (i.e. not using a GeNa spawner) and then go to the flattener in the prefab and click "Apply to Terrain" It flattens the ground as intended, and is at the correct height, radius etc. It just wont automatically do it as part of placing the house using the GeNa Spawner which is the ultimate intent. 

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14 minutes ago, Manny said:

With the 'Farm_House_Large' GameObject, do you have a PrefabUnpackerDecorator attached to it?

I do not @Manny. Is that the issue? have to have an unpacker on prefabs, and then other decorators will work? 

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