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Problems with Ambient Sounds

Go to solution Solved by Bryan,

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Hello. I'm working on a game with Atavism and Enviro, and I thought I would see how Ambient Sounds gets along with them. So I'm following the Work Flow / Quick Start Guide in the documentation.

The first odd issue was this message:


I looked in the Package Manager, but didn't find anything called Windows Mixed Reality.

I moved on and set up a Global Sequence. In the quick start guide, it says:


If you enter play mode, the audio clips will be played back immediately since Global Sequences are played back regardless of the player position in the scene. If you select the player / camera object while running your scene, you can see that the Ambience Manager is playing back your Sequence in the active Sequences list

None of that is happening. There are no sounds, and all I see on my MainCamera object is a script called Listener Relay.

What's more, the Ambience Manager object is no longer in the scene while I'm playing.j

Do you know what's going wrong here? Thank you


Edit: This is from the console


GameObject has multiple AudioSources and/or AudioListeners attached. While built-in filters like lowpass are instantiated separately, components implementing OnAudioFilterRead may only be used by either one AudioSource or AudioListener at a time.
The reason for this is that any state information used by the callback exists only once in the component, and the source or listener calling it cannot be inferred from the callback.
In this case the OnAudioFilterRead callback of script ListenerRelay was first attached to a component of type AudioSource on the game object MainCamera after which a component of type AudioListener tried to attach it.
UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent<AmbientSounds.ListenerRelay> ()
AmbientSounds.AmbienceManager/<CoroFindListener>d__29:MoveNext () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Ambient Sounds/Scripts/AmbienceManager.cs:706)
UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine (System.Collections.IEnumerator)
AmbientSounds.AmbienceManager:OnEnable () (at Assets/Procedural Worlds/Ambient Sounds/Scripts/AmbienceManager.cs:181)


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Okay I unchecked "hide manager object" then checked "replace manager on load". While the game was playing, I found the now-visible manager and checked "use audio source", and that fixed it.


I hear sounds now 🙂


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  • Solution
4 hours ago, Crowsinger said:

I looked in the Package Manager, but didn't find anything called Windows Mixed Reality.

I moved on and set up a Global Sequence. In the quick start guide, it says:

This is no longer needed, the older Unity versions used to use this. This can be simple disregarded. 

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11 hours ago, Bryan said:

This is no longer needed, the older Unity versions used to use this. This can be simple disregarded. 


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