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Grass stop showing on neighbour tile

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Hello again me with another problem:

I found that in custom world, 7 tiles in X an 1 in Z, after the second tile, the grass is not shown in runtime. It was spawn correctly previuosly but not shown in runtime.


Besides there is an error in shader that could be related:

Shader properties can't be added to this global property sheet. Trying to add _GrabTexture_HDR (type 2 count 1)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

i am using the latest gaia pro 2021 version with HDRP and unity 2021.3.2f1 LTS.

Below is shown how the grass was spawn correclty (but not in runtime)


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I have noticed that the third person player provided works perfectly BUT when choosing a custom player in my case, there are 2 scripts added Terrain loader and RigidBodywait... but in the third person also there is a Floating point fix script which I also added manually to my custom player.

My doubt since the custom player does not work properly, am i missing another script or settings?

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If you are using the Gaia Custom player can you please add the Source Camera to the terrain: 
In your screen shot its missing: 

This would be in the flora terrain tile script attached to your terrains. 
Additionally, you could open the flora manager after the grass is spawned and try to reset this. 
If setting the camera didnt work I would open the manager by going to - 
Window - Procedural Worlds - Flora - Flora Manager. 
Remove flora and then add it again from the same manager. 

Then you should be set, please let me know how this goes! 

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No luck.

If I start with the player in that Tile (2 for instance) it works for tile 2 and tile 3 but not for the tile 4. 


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I tried many models (prefabs form INVECTOR) which already worked innprevous versions og GAIA.

I dont do anything custom with gaia, just create a 5 tor 7 tile in X and 1 in Z and just assing the custom player instead of the third person player.

Could you please check is working properly?


Thanks a lot!!

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Hi @Gustavo, could you please tell us which is the active camera that is used to render the game view during runtime? I assume it is "ThirdPersonCameraWithCineMachine"? If that is correct, I think the issue is that the non-working Flora tiles seem to have the camera "Main Camera" selected as camera to use for rendering. It could be that this "Main Camera" still sits somewhere in the scene and Flora automatically defaulted to that camera instead.

If my assumptions are true, could you please try what happens if you select one of the non working terrains during design time, put in the "ThirdPersonCameraWithCineMachine" into the Flora camera slot and save the scene? I could imagine that this might fix it.

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I already change the camera in each flora script of all the terrain.

Nevetheless, it happens on every custom player I use, some have this cinemachine camera and other not.

The problem is that it happens to all the custom players I tried. 

The steps I follow are this:

Create a World

Generate it

Spawn Biome

Assign any Custom Player you like

After I run the scene I check the terrians and they have the camera that uses the custom player.

Please check it with a custom player yourselft, not just the thirp person provided with gaia.

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I show in this video what you were saying. Even though the proper camera is chosen, no grass is sapwn in runtime...

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Hi @Gustavo, thanks for providing a video for clarification! I tried to create a custom player setup with a simple new camera and a default cube as my "player". I noticed that initially Flora would not work, but would start to work when I would assign the camera into the component. I also found that if I tag my camera as "MainCamera" the manual assignment was not required anymore, as Flora starts to look for the MainCamera automatically if no other camera is assigned.
Is your camera tagged as MainCamera and if not, could you please try to tag it as such to see if it brings any improvement?


If this does not help, could you please check if below the non-working terrain you can see Flora prototype objects being created during runtime?


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Hello @Peter have you time to check the video?

If you have the chance, can you test this same scenario, 7x1 tiles with cystom player, in a gsia pro 2021 around 3 versions older?.

Can you share with me this older gaia version?

I am sure this used to worked fine, as i already did a few levels this way....

Thanks for your time and pacience!!

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Hello Peter, 

I will try the first gaia pro 2021 version. I think i have a back up.

On the other hand, i tried flora with a cube and a New camera and still does not work.

Does anyone made it work somehow? If so how????

It calls me the attention that all my test work in the way, meaning the grass does not show in tile 2. So my conclusion IS FLORA DOES NOT WORK IN MULTI TILE WITH CUSTOM PLAYER.  Am I right?

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2 hours ago, Gustavo said:

I will try the first gaia pro 2021 version. I think i have a back up.

Please note I sent you a download link with the version you requested a while back ago in a direct message. I also asked you to provide us with a zipped up version of your project so we can look into it in debugging.

2 hours ago, Gustavo said:

Does anyone made it work somehow? If so how????

Yes, I made it work with a cube and a new camera as described above. 

2 hours ago, Gustavo said:

It calls me the attention that all my test work in the way, meaning the grass does not show in tile 2. So my conclusion IS FLORA DOES NOT WORK IN MULTI TILE WITH CUSTOM PLAYER.  Am I right?

I do not think so, I cannot reproduce the issue and we do not have another user reporting the same problem. Please note that every unity project is different, there are literally millions of different combinations of project settings, unity versions, render pipeline versions and settings, custom scripts, operation system settings, asset store assets, Graphic APIs, etc. at play here. It can very well be that you experience an issue in a project that an user with a slightly different setup would not run into. 
I know this can be frustrating, but it is so for us as well as we try to reproduce the issue and it is simply working from our side, which makes it difficult for us to look at things if everything seems to be working.
This is why I asked for your project, because this would give us maybe a better chance of catching the same error.

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Hello Peter,

I already tried it with the versión you have sent me and unfortunatly it did not work Either, so thats why i will test it on the first gaia pro 2021(if i find the backup).

I already sent my project in private mail. It was only gaia and invector in HDRP.

Could you please instruct me how you did it work(at least with a cube)?

Best regards and thanks for your time

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14 hours ago, Gustavo said:

Could you please instruct me how you did it work(at least with a cube)?

I did build a 4x4 terrain with Gaia, Alpine Meadow Biome and spawned the biome.
Then I put a cube into there, and changed the camera in the scene to be tagged as "Main Camera"
I created the runtime from the runtime in the Gaia Manager tab and selected custom player and used the cube as player and the camera in the scene as camera.

45 minutes ago, Gustavo said:

Thanks, I will download it and take a look, hopefully I get the same issue then I should be able to find out what is the problem quickly.

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Hello Peter, 


I think I know where is the problem, you tried in a 4x4 world and it worked. Please, try the same in a 4 tiles in X and 1 in Z.

I also repeat the test in a 4x4 and it worked fine. The problem is that I need a 4X1 world and thats where the issue was.

Is that OK i use not square world? Or can I still use my 4X1 world (I am working on a 2.5D game so is almost 2D moving in X direction so there is no point in having more Z tiles.

I try the old version of gaia (gaia 3.1.4 c5) and still the same problem. 

In Summary:

4X4 works fine in every gaia version with custom player.

4X1 does not work after terrain 2.0 (that would be the 3rd tile). 


I hope this narrow down what could it be wrong...


Thanks again!!!

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  • Solution

Hi @Gustavo I had a look at the project you provided and I was able to reproduce the issue. I do not 100% know what it is yet, but I have a strong suspicion: I noticed that when all terrains are being unloaded before the scene starts, it works.

Can you please try to set the loading range to 0 before starting the scene? It should work then when the terrains are being loaded when the player comes close during runtime. 


I need to look deeper into it with one of the programmers of Flora, I think there might be a bug where Flora does not initialize correctly if a terrain is present at scene start but also outside of the camera view at that moment, later when the player comes near it still acts like the terrain was not visible by the camera. This only stops if the terrain is fully unloaded and loaded again. We need to find out what it is, but I hope with the workaround of unloading all terrains before scene start you should be able to continue working in the meantime until we have a fix.

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Hi, I was looking for a resolution to this issue, as I'm experiencing it too, but with the Gaia premade fly camera. 

As you can see, I'm in playmode, using the default Gaia Flycam, created by the runtime window. And (i hope, haha) you can very clealy see where the grass gets cut off and no longer spawned. This definitely seems like a bug to me, because a couple chunks over, the same issue happens again, on a larger scale.

You can even see that there are clear lines in the texture, on the left.

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@Peter Excellent, I the grass has grown again!!!

now I can keep working on the scene while the developer finds  a patch for Flora!


Thank you so much!!!

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