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GTS is swapping Terrain Layers for some Terrains


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Textures are being applied from a spawner which appear fine. However when I apply a GTS profile, new with no settings changed, some terrain layers are being swapped.

The names and files all match up in the layers page, however when they are painted, it is the wrong layer. E.g when i click "Grass" it shows grass in the diffuse, but when I paint on the terrain, "Stone" appears.


Below are the correct layer orders.spacer.png


When GTS is applied



Not every terrain has all the layers. There are 8 total layers, the terrains that have all 8 layers experience no issue. All the terrains with less then 8 layers experience the swapping.

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Thanks for sending those through, I can see them now!

Can I also get a picture of the other terrains you have in the scene and their terrain layer layout?

As a test, being that you make a backup or are able to respawn the terrain layers, you could try and match up the terrain layers to be the same order and number across all terrains (might require selecting each terrain layer, hitting Edit Terrain Layers... then Replace Layer), then reapply the GTS profile and regenerate the texture arrays. 

GTS assigns each unique terrain layer with a seperate index, going from 0 to 7. The order is thus important when layers are painted on the terrain, which might be scewed a bit with a differing numbers of terrain layers per terrain. If you're worried about optimisation, GTS has the same cost per layer regardless of how many layers end up being used, so it shouldn't affect it too much if you were to add in the missing layers. 

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The other terrains have the full 8 textures, which work fine.

Interestingly when I begin to add the same textures as you suggested, the rest snap into the list. This doesnt resolve the issue until I select the terrain again and then it shows correctly.


All the textures applied to the swapped terrain.



The correct original terrain with all textures already applied.



The swapped terrain reselected after selecting another terrain.



If the above makes sense.


Adding the textures to each terrain seems to work around the issue, however a little tedious as I have a few terrains created.

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I did this to all the terrians in my scene and it doesnt seem to resolve the issue unfortunately.

Even though some terrains have all 8 Textures the order is sometimes mismatched. After going through all terrains and ordering the textures to be the same and re-appling the profile, some terrains are still mis-matched.

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Can you try deleting all the GTS generated data and re-applying the profile? This data can be found in either GTS User Data > Scenes, then find your corresponding scene name, or through selecting a terrain, going into the settings, and selecting the material, which should point to the saved location. 

Another area to test is the texture array settings. Expand the Texture Array Settings and select one of the generated texutre arrays. Delete both assets and press 'Create Texture Arrays' again.

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Create Texture Arrays seems to stop the swapping thanks.


If I ever wanted to change the terrain textures or configure a different terrain, I would still have to manually set each texture on all the terrains again to aline them back up. I only have 16 terrains so it doesnt take too long each time. However if I had more it would start to become a bit tedious.

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