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GTS has confused my layers - I try to draw leaves and it draws rocks

Go to solution Solved by Cold,

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GTS has mixed up all my layers, when I try to draw one layer, it draws another instead.

Sometimes when I refresh the textures, they layers on the terrain just go black for some of the textures.

I have tried:

- Removing GTS and re adding it.

- Removing and reapplying the GTS profile

- Deleting the profile and creating a new one

- Refreshing the profile

- Generating the profile from terrain.


Image 1 - Terrain with GTS profile off - Correct Textures



Image 2 - GTS profile on - Incorrect textures


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Hi @Cold,

Does your setup have more than 8 unique terrain layers? GTS currently only supports up to 8 unique terrain layers across all terrains in the scene. If you have more than 1 terrain, and each terrain has terrain layers in different IDs / positions, then it can cause this mix up, where GTS considers the first terrain's order. 

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So I have 9 tiles of terrain, all with the same palette. I only have 7 different textures that I want to use.

What would be the best way to deal with this? All of the terrains should have the textures in the same order.

Would it be better to have different GTS profiles on each terrain?

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Can I see what the GTS Layers of your profile looks like? image.png.e1b479bcde83c28888a22eb8f3392d48.png

And can you send me what the albedo texture array looks like, which can be found in the Texture Array Settings?


Open the linked asset here and show the inspector details, like this:



Also can I see what one of the terrain material inspector looks like? Just select any one of the those terrain tiles, go to the settings, and select the Material slot:



I just need to see the top of the inspector with the texture slots like this: image.thumb.png.f92a388c79079296845eb37169bcd924.png

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Can you try hitting the Create Texture Arrays button?



It looks like you have 7 layers on the terrain but only 5 layers baked into the texture arrays.


If that doesn't work, you could try 'Clear Layers', then hitting 'Refresh Layers', then hitting 'Create Texture Arrays' again.


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When I press "create texture array", it removes one of the GTS layers in the Texture layer settings:







If I press apply profile, the other layer comes back. 

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  • Solution

I tried clearing the layers again, but this time on all terrain tiles before hitting the refresh, and that seems to have worked.

Thanks for the help.

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