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it is possible to add a terrain part later?

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Hey I want to create with Gaia and GeNa the terrains for a mmorpg which is created with Atavism. Since I'm currently not quite sure how big it should be in the end I wanted to ask if it is possible to add more terrain parts at specific places (like the standard feature of Unity "Add neighbor terrain").

If I simply increase the number of terrains in the grid I cannot terrain I can't determine where the new terrain part will go.


Because I did not want to make another post another question when i'm done with a terrain should i delete all the spawners that are not needed anymore? just leave them in the scene? or somehow save the generated terrain in for example a prefab and add it in a seperate scene to add the other game elements?

thanks for the help 🙂

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Great questions this gets asked quite a bit: 

1. Can I increase the terrains? 
1a. Yes you are able to do this If you are using Gaia 2021 or Gaia Pro 2021 you can re-center on update.

My personal opinion is using the world designer from the newer Gaia versions is the best way. 
Unless you are making everything by hand. 

Above the screenshot is a picture of the Gaia Manager Create World tab - you would want to click on the plus icon (+). 
This will open the advanced options in the world size. 
You would want to adjust the X tiles and Z tiles and then enable the recenter on update.  

2. Can I delete the spawners in my Hierarchy? 
2a. The answer is yes, if you are done with your game and wanting to clear up the scene you can do this. 
I do suggest that you save the spawners just in case you want to change something in the future. 


If you click on your spawner please go to the -Advanced section of the inspector. 
Open this up and Save to file. This will save your spawner. You can additionally do this for your biome as well (which I recommend you doing this). 

Then you are save to remove your spawners. 

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thanks for the answer that helps in any case further

For 1. I would have a follow-up question

this distributes the terrains evenly in all directions
that means i should optimally start in the middle if i don't know yet how many terrains i need right?


and a new question has arisen ^^ 
3. if I have 2 terrains with different biome textures how do I get a good transition with the URP?  you should ideally use only 4 texture layers if I understood correctly.

Thanks you for the help


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