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Runtime roads


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So a few of my objects register themselves with a custom script that is aware of the blank road spline object. They add themselves as thus:

GeNaNode node = spline.CreateNewNode(t.position);


While playing (in scene view), I can see the nodes, yet they do nothing. I can manually add a few more which behave as they should even at runtime, but my programmatically created ones do nothing.

Am I missing something?

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Hey @Fafhrd,

The reason why this isn't working as expected is because the function 'AddNode' inside of GeNaSpline is a way to essentially 'subscribe' new nodes created with the Spline. It is not in charge of creating curves between them which is what I think you are asking here.

If you would like to learn more about how the GeNa Spline system works, you can check out our Demo project that comes already installed with GeNa and is located under Procedural Worlds/GeNa/Asset Samples/Script Examples.

I would suggest opening the RuntimeDemo scene inside of the Scenes folder in the above directory:

And opening the 'GeNaRuntimeExample' script. In here you will find a function called 'SplineSpawn' and it shows that you must use 'spline.AddCurve' along with the two nodes you wish to connect together. 

It's also worth noting that 'CreateNewNode' automatically calls 'AddNode' internally.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you need further assistance! 🙂

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