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Mobile gaia problem


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my games mobile i am using gaia terrain generator when I log in to the scene where I am using gaia, the game freezes and gives a black screen and the game closes without any warning my mobile games 965mb


there is no such problem in the other scenes

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This is hard to determine without information or really in general. 
"Gaia Terrains" are simply Unity terrains with some scripts attached to do certain things like stamp and spawn. 

You can remove almost all of Gaia from the project when you are finished depending on what you are using. 
For example, if the only thing you are doing with Gaia is creating the terrains, then you need to keep the terrain data and terrain textures. If you are using the water system and lighting system, then you need to keep the runtime, and gaia in the project. 

If the game is freezing then the first thing I would check is compatibility. 
Can the device that you are using utilize the post-processing, shaders, etc? 
Then I would check the profiler. 
What is causing the most hiccups? 


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