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Gaia Pro 2023 + Unity 2022.3.14f1 - LMDB error 30796


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Hi there.

I am using Gaia for World Streaming. I create an empty world with 64 terrains (each 512x512 in size). I do not use stamps or anything. Usually this works. But as soon as I have around 80-100 chunks, Unity will crash with an error:

[Worker0] LMDB_Transaction::Run - LMDB error = -30796

This happens no matter what size the chunks are (at least it seems. I used 1024 and 512 as size). I thought creating a terrain with 64 and extending it later with Gaia Manager would help - spoiler: it does not. 

Any ideas how to fix this? That means: how to have more than ~80 chunks?

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Extending an already made terrain would be quite rough, and really the only way around that would be to go back into the world designer and increase the size from there. 

However, this would make you lose all the work you have done to the terrain. 

As for the error this is not a Gaia error but a Unity error. 
I couldn't really find anything online regarding the error either. 
So that tells me that its specific to your machine. 
I can see similar errors but I didn't see a response to them that seemed helpful. 

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Thanks for investigating. So I have to work with a 4k Terrain for now and maybe extend it manually later (as extending in the world designer will result in a crash as well). Currently everything I need seems to fit in this size.

I use Microverse for world creation currently. Because this way I am able to move the terrain on design time as needed. So deleting the terrains would not matter that much because MV will generate them again out of the stamps.

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