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Gaia Pro 2023 - PW Sky Lighting is Bleached

Bob Sacamano

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Hi, I just picked up Gaia Pro 2023 and love it but I'm having an issue with the lighting when I use PW Sky instead of the lighting presets and I can't figure out why. When I use PW Sky, the colors are very washed out/bleached, but when I use the lighting preset, its fine.

I have deleted and readded the lighting runtime, and even tried using the same PP profile but the colors are vastly different if I use PW Sky.

Any ideas why? I haven't changed any settings, and even created a fresh project just with Gaia and still the problem exists..


PW Sky.jpg

Lighting Preset.jpg

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Update: It looks like PW Sky is changing the intensity on the Directional Light based on the "Sun Intensity" curve in the PW Sky inspector. But the curve default seems far too high at noon (e.g. 2.64). Am I missing something? Why would this be set so high that it blows out the colors at mid-day?

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If you adjust the lighting profile do you see any changes? 
We set these by default, so you may need to adjust them to get the look that you are wanting. 

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the only thing that works is if i adjust the sun intensity curve on PW Sky but its hard to reduce that 1-1 across the curve. it's technically doable but i am wondering if there's a simple intensity slider that would reduce intensity 1-1 across the curve. I ask because i feel like i must be missing something since few others have mentioned this and it was bright like this out of the box.

That said, I'm using the Azure Nature asset which has a custom shader so perhaps that is the cause for the washed out intensity?

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