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Question about Terrain Modifier Stamp with Distance mask

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I'm having a tough time understanding how the Terrain modifier stamp works. I couldn't find an answer yet, so I'm trying my luck here.

I'm using Gaia Pro 2023 4.0.4 with unity 2023.1.18f

My understanding is that the Terrain modifier stamp should behave like the Stamper does. However it seems that the distance mask is not applied similarly to Stamper. I'm expecting the stamp to be blended and not to have square edges like in the image. I don't have any masks in the biome controller.

Weird thing is that it seems that the mix height operation works as expected, but others like Set height are not working similarly to the stamper.


So the question is that dos it look like it is behaving as expected? If so, is there a way to remove the square edges from the stamping operations when using Terrain Modifier Stamp?

Thanks in advance, any help is highly appreciated. And feel free to let me know if you need additional details on the problem.

Spawner setup

With above setup



The same setup, except using the Mix Height operation





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Hi @Migguli, could you please try if it fixes your problem if you change the distance mask space from local to global? When it is set to local, the mask is applied only within the stamp image itself, when it is set to global it will be applied to the overall stamp result, which should get rid off those edges.

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Hey @Peter, thanks for the quick reply!

I tried the Mask Space "World" in Biome, Spawner, and Rule level individually. Unfortunately, it still did not remove the edges.

Do any other settings come to mind that I might be setting wrongly? And are there any demo projects or guides that would feature this kind of operation?



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No problem! 

If you haven't already would you please consider leaving a review on the Unity Asset store if you are happy with the product and support? 

Happy developing! 

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