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Gaia Pro HDRP UI Problems


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trying to implement some UI for a game project. The UI worked at first in the built in pipeline but got a little wonky when switched over to the render pipeline. For context I am trying to propagate radio signals over a shader however in the HDRP the signals seem to have a bloom/bleed around it. This seems to happen more around bright environments. Please let me know if there are work arounds for this. 


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Not really sure from a Procedural Worlds perspective the only thing you need to do is swap the Gaia Manager setup tab to HDRP. 

Do this in the Gaia Manager - Setup - Rendering - Swap to HDRP after importing the HDRP Package. 
Then Install the shaders. 

From here you would want to upgrade all the project materials to HDRP. 

Why this particular instance is causing the issue it could be related to a material issue or it could be the post-processing needs to be adjusted. 

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