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Runtime Terrain Deformation


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So, I'm trying to add some terrain deformation to Gaia default Terrain, and I've used MicroSplat and DiggerPro, and both had the same problem, when I try to apply (in editor too), the terrain just become invisible.. in the picture below, that should not be water, but instead, grass.



What I'm trying to accomplish is something like this:



Any ideas why this is happening with my actual assets, or there are some other way that I can do it?


Thanks a lot!

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The reason the terrain isnt showing up from the looks of it is a terrain shader issue. 
Procedural Worlds still uses the standard Unity terrain system just with some code applied to it. 
Microsplat is a terrain shader that would be causing the error and not PW. 
I would contact Microsplat discord / support for help in this matter. 

It could be a camera layers issue but not sure to be honest. 

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I tried to reach Microsplat and they told me this is a issue with Gaia, and what reinforces that is that others tools that works with terrain deformation just don't work with Gaia too (DiggerPro for example).

Do you have some asset or tool that you can recommend to do what I am trying to do?

I will try to dig deeper to check what is going on with those that I'm testing.


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Sorry, not that I know of for something like this. 
I really cant think of what would be causing the terrain to not show up. 
Have you removed the other tools or created a new project and does the terrain show up with Gaia? 

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