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Coastal smoothing help


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Hello PW Team,

I want to create a Biome Spawner that smooths the terrain but only in the "beach" areas, I am able to add the mask that show that only the area I need affected is correct



However, when I select Terrain Modifier Stamp, Effect/Smooth, it seems the affected area is different.



My question here is:

How can I smooth only the Beach area?

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@damvcoool I think this should be correct already - the red visualization is more a generic mask visualization, the blue greenish one is an actual preview of the smoothing changes. In the background it creates a stamper that renders the terrain as if it was changed already in this greenish tint, just like if you operate the Gaia stamper or the world designer.

Note that if you only want to perform the smoothing operation once or twice, you would not need to create a terrain modifier spawn rule for that. You could also take the stamper - it is possible to add height masks etc. to the stamper just the same as you would in a spawner, meaning you can also do a smooth operation in the stamper and restrict its effect close to the sea level with a height mask.

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Well the goal is not to apply spanners more than once.
My goal is to allow the coasts to be smoother, and longer.
if there is a better way to do this, specially with instructions or video tutorial it would be great to see how to achieve it.

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It is not necessarily better, it is more of a workflow question. You can make those smoothing changes without setting up a spawner by using a stamper instead, setting it to smooth and setting up a height mask:


The advantage of running it in a stamper is that you then can stamp once and run the spawner repeatedly e.g. to re-texture the terrain without having to worry about height map changes.
The advantage of running it into a spawner can be that you could make the heigt map react to things that were spawned earlier and it allows you to run the spawner across a large world automatically, which would not be possible with the stamper.
But if you intend to run the spawner only once, there would not be much difference overall in the two methods.

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