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Runtime working in Editor but not in Build

Jason Tompkins

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Surely I am doing something wrong or missing something. Everything looks great in the editor. I am using Unity 2022.3.7f1 with the Standard Render Pipeline. 


When I Build the project and start game play from the executable, this is what I get, the water material is pink and the materials is not rendered to the Sky Dome :


I am adding this scene as an Addressable and I am including the materials for sky dome and the water shaders as addressables. What am I missing, what am I doing wrong? 

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I did, this is where I started. However, I did not build from the Gaia Manger, I built it from the Unity build because there is other functionality involve in the game. I am not just building a Gaia scene. Are you suggesting that the only way to have the Gaia materials and shaders to render correctly is to build the project exclusively from the Build and Deploy option from the Gaia Manager? Everything is good except these two things, the sky dome and the water.

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So I reviewed the document again and I did not find anything specific to the issue that I am having. I think I am definitely missing something. I am unable to find anything in this forum and something like this, I am sure there would be tons of posts about it, so I am assuming that there is just a simple thing that I am over looking.

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So I clicked the "Create Addressable Config" button and the after that process was completed,  I clicked the "Start Addressable Build". After this process was completed, I did a regular application build and still got the same results with pink water and no sky dome material. Additionally, I am noticing that there is no fog either.

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On 10/24/2023 at 12:26 AM, Jason Tompkins said:

Looks like someone else has posted about this, but the issue was never addressed

The issue has been solved here. 
Which from the looks of it could be the issue here. 

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