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  • What is the difference between Gaia and GeNa ?


    Gaia is a broad terrain creation, texturing, planting, population and general setup asset.

    GeNa is a pure spawning asset that takes the spawning system to a whole new level. One of the key differences between Gaia and GeNa is that while Gaia is generically rule based, GeNa’s samples the environment you click on, and then selects 'like areas' area’s nearby in which to spawn your target objects. For example you can tell GeNa to only select areas plus or minus 5 meters in height from where you clicked. Fantastic for creating rock paths on a hill!

    It’s an entirely new way to work and is incredibly intuitive. Another killer feature of GeNa is the lighting and spawn optimization system - it takes literally hours off your bake time while also improve lighting and frame rates.

    Here is a summary of some of the key differences:

    Sculpt terrain – Gaia YES, GeNa NO
    Texture terrain – Gaia YES, GeNa no

    Multi tiled terrain support - Gaia no, GeNa YES
    Simple scene setup with water, player, wind and lighting – Gaia YES, GeNa no
    Spawn grass, trees and prefabs on terrain – Gaia YES, GeNa YES
    Spawn sophisticated collections of prefabs on terrain – Gaia YES, GeNa YES
    Sophisticated image based masking – Gaia YES, GeNa YES
    Sophisticated colour-map based masking – Gaia no, GeNa YES
    Spawns on meshes – Gaia no, GeNa YES
    Global and local spawning – Gaia no, GeNa YES
    Click based spawn positioning – Gaia no, GeNa YES
    Composable spawners – Gaia no, GeNa YES
    Clickable spawn criteria configuration – Gaia no, GeNa YES
    Real-time spawn criteria visualization – Gaia partial, GeNa YES
    Automated prefab performance optimization – Gaia no, GeNa YES
    Automated light probe placement and optimization – Gaia no, GeNa YES
    Gravity based spawning system – Gaia no, GeNa YES
    Fence and wall building system – Gaia no, GeNa YES
    Fine grained spawn placement tuning – Gaia no, GeNa YES
    Save and re-use spawners as prefabs – Gaia no, GeNa YES
    Run-time spawning – Gaia – partial, GeNa YES

    Another very powerful capability is the way in which a GeNa spawner can be configured and then saved as a prefab to be used at any time in the future. It can even be used to periodically spawn things are run time e.g. monstors, NPC's etc.

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