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  • Ground Texture Pack 01


    This Ground Texture Pack (GTP) contains 18 high quality textures at 2k resolution with full SRP support. This pack also contains pre-configured terrain layers and Gaia texture spawners. The texture spawners can be used as a starting point for new scenes, or it is possible to load the spawners into existing scenes as well.



    (click to enlarge)



    How to use:

    The Ground Texture Pack 01 installs itself under Assets\Procedural Worlds\Content Packs\Ground Texture Pack 01. You can use the texture files found in there as any other texture file in Unity. Be sure to always make a backup before adding the new spawners into your scene.

    This pack comes with 4, 6 and 8 texture spawners


    The 4 textures is basic texturing normally consists of sand, grass, 1 detail and rock. The 6 texture has the same as the 4 textures but has 1 extra detail and 1 extra rock detail. The 8 texture contains all the textures from the 6 textures but also has 2 more detail textures to break up the ground even more.

    The pack comes with spawners for the Gaia Pro biomes where the new textures are preconfigured for spawning. You can use these spawners in the following ways:

    • Replacing my current texture spawn with new ones. These textures can be spawned and replaces the current textures. If you have already spawned your biome for example i am going to use Coniferous Forest Biome that comes with Gaia Pro.


    • Once your biome is spawned you can now go ahead and add one of the new texture spawners into your scene. For this example i am going to use the GTP 1 - Swamp Forest - 8 Textures to replace my biome.


    • Next you want to go to the remove resources window to remove existing terrain layers.


    • Inside the remove resources window uncheck Terrain Trees and Terrain Details and click start removal. This will remove all the terrain layers from all the terrains.


    • Now we can go ahead and spawn our new textures in. Select the spawner we added and then click Spawn World, this will spawn the new textures across all our terrain.


    • Now our scene has the new textures.


    Note since we are using the new textures, spawning the biome will not work correctly as it is using completely new textures from the biome. 

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