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Does HDRP Time of Day Support VR?


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Does HDRP Time of Day Support VR?
I have bought some Weather assets on the store and it turns out they didn't support HDRP VR. Does this asset support this? 

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Honestly, I would need to test this. 
Typically, you shouldn't be using HDRP with VR that's why most wont support it. 


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We've created a large VR HDRP software for architectural visualizations and it works great in VR honestly. They've done some great changes to this in HDRP and it almost runs better than URP (with the right settings). 

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I would love to see those settings hahaha. 
I will take a look at this and just see if I can get it working. 
Isnt a lot of post processing not working in HDRP? 

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If you have any questions on how to set it up, feel free to let me know. 
Just this week we had a client with 1.6mil meshes in a scene and it ran quite good. 30-60 fps with realtime lighting. so we'd like to improve our lighting some more and that's why we'd like to use your asset. We tried some other assets like enviro but he doesn't support VR yet. So now I'd like to make sure it works on other weather asset before buying 🙂 

In Unity 2021 there were some Post processing effects not properly working in VR (clouds, lens flares,...) but those were fixed almost all in 2022.3. Now in Unity 6000 which we've recently upgraded to, everything is fixed as far as I'm aware. We're not using every effect so maybe some are still broken but not sure.

I should mention we're using pretty good hardware nvidia 3090, intel i9 CPU, 32-64gb ram and the VR headsets we're using are HTC Focus 3 and we stream to them. HDRP VR on standalone is not available. HDRP just won't compile on android so streaming is the only option. (Has something to do with shader compilation I think) 

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Yeah I would love to have a conversation and learn more about what your doing. 
I have yet to hear anyone do this successfully so I am very interested in it haha. 
I am ssnightshadow on discord, I am setting up a project and having issues currently with it. 
I am using a Quest 2 though. 

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