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Stutter in terrain unload


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im using Gaia pro on unity 2021.316f1. On a multi terrain set up I get a spike on the ‘other’ category on the profiler when terrains are unloaded. This is causing a notable frame drop/hitch and is noticeable even without any objects on the terrain. Has anyone encountered this before?



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I havent no, but this all can be adjusted on the loader of the player to negate these spikes. 
You may need to adjust these to get the most out of it. 
Sadly we use a default for what we think is the most popular. 

You will be able to adjust the loader for the terrains and the player. To show how far things will load away from you verse how close it would be. 


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Hey Bryan, thanks but it’s the unloading that’s spiking, the loading is fine. I also notice in the editor unloading can take some time.

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hmmm will have to talk with the team about it. 
Can you please send me screenshots of the profiler? 

Also just for clarity, is this in build and editor? 


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Hey Brian, build and editor. I’m going to do some experimenting over the weekend to see if I can find out out what the issue is. 

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Perfect thank you. 
Please let me know and send me those profilers as well when you can. 

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Hey, I’ve done some experimentation. When the terrain has a lot of details/trees it’s definitely worse. I’ve tried using vegetation studio but that’s even worse for some reason. When unloading the terrains in the editor, I get a noticeable pause and loading bar as well which seems strange. 

currently, multi terrain streaming is unusable with this problem, coupled with gts also not working with any sizeable worlds, this makes large open worlds not achievable with your products in my current project. It could be something conflicting elsewhere so I’ll need to stick to single  terrains which don’t give me these issues.

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Its hard to say without seeing it myself. 
Typically, vegetation itself is one of the most taxing things in Unity sadly. 
I could see high density causing an issue with the loading. 
Multi-terrain streaming is still achievable in a lot of cases. 
Did you select the option to turn multi-terrain into multi-scene in the Gaia Manager? 
This typically helps a lot. 

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