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Issue with Prefab Unpacker


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I wanted to test to spawn a village following the tutorials I found. So I created quickly a small part of a village to see how it works


With the structure bellow :


I organised my structure like that in a way a group of prefabs will be snap to group with the Transform Decorator. But when I spawn it it just spawn the objects bellow BlueHouseTop. It can spawn my other objects only if take them off the Walls & Exterior Props. I don't if it's supposed to work like that but that's really annoying.
In the screenshot bellow I have access to the transform walls but don't have access to the object inside when I tried to open for example WallLamp it doesn't open.

Another strange things deleting house "BlueHouseTop" makes all other objects spawn correctly...

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That is very interesting, what if you removed the root of the building and put the building in in the blue house top area? 

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Doing that spawn the house and the exterior props but not all walls, the two last ones called left are not spawned. That is really weird 😅.

I tried to spawn this structure somewhere else and sometimes it spawn the house only, sometimes it spawn some walls. It's supposed to spawn the structure complete normally no ? 

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Can you enable Force Spawn in the spawning criteria? 

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Thanks for the help, Enabling force spawn does works but if I enable it I will lose the spawn criteria, like I need the building to spawn only on a layer that I use as the ground. So if I understand correctly the spawn criteria was applied on all the objects under the root so some walls didn't spawn because it doesn't meet the spawn criteria  ?

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I tried with another prefab and it seems that the prefab unpacker logic doesn't support the spawn criteria. Here I have this settings with a simple structure prefab.


Here the prefab :

All the object root have a GeNaTransformDecorator (if I remove them I will get the same result as described bellow)

As you can see the only things that would avoid the object to be spawn is the texture or the bounds because the slope range is really large but if I tried to spawn it in a perfectly green area here is the result :

Of course if I check the Force Spawn it would work but what will be the point to have spawn criteria then ^^' ?

I tried to decrease the bounds extents because I was thinking may be sometimes it check the bounds between those objects inside but it give the same result.

Also sometimes I undo the spawn and try to spawn the objects at the same place and it place the objects but not the same objects are spawned. And sometimes it spawn nothing just flatten the terrain and clear details...

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I mainly was checking force spawn to see if they would spawn at all. 
If they do then that means there isn't something broken with the spawner itself which is a good thing. 
Then this means that there is something wrong with the way its going to spawn. 
This could mean that the rules that you have are not allowing it to fully spawn. 

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Thanks for the answer ! Do you have an idea what it could be from the screenshots I sended ?

And removing the GeNa transform decorator on all objects does not really change the result (except the fact that some objects are flying or under the ground a bit).

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Can you please try adjusting the slope range I feel like it would be coming from that.

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