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Can't create river flow

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After placing a start point for a river I tried to create a river flow with the button but it does nothing (no errors, no logs) but creating GeNa River Spline does work. What supposed to do "Create River Flow" compared to "GeNa River Spline" Button ? Is it related to an asset not installed like Gaia for example ?

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Create River Flow is supposed to find a path and create a river. 
If it didn't that would mean that it's a bad area. 
While the GeNa River Spline is manually doing it. 

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I see, thanks for the answer the GeNa River Spline seems to do the trick.

Just a remark, the system seems to be made for island with a sea level, from what I understand from the tutorials it is made so the river would attempt to reach the level of the sea so on the map with no sea (that's my case) it will go to a kinda random location based on the topology. I think it would be nice to be able to select a destination point for the river instead of having to move the last point of the river manually, like if we can indicate a Vector3 position or may be a transform point we can just copy and paste the position and the river would attempt to reach this point, would it be possible in a next version ? 

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I will note that in the suggestions for the team! 

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