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Time of Day drastically reducing FPS


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I am really enjoying the TIME OF DAY feature for HDRP but i am noticing a major difference in my FPS where just by adding it i am dropping from around 80 to like 10FPS in Unity.... Is there something i am missing? or should be doing to make sure this doesnt happen




looks like it adds 1617 shadow casters


Also how do i add images directly in here i dont see where that option is

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3 hours ago, jCarrot said:

I am really enjoying the TIME OF DAY feature for HDRP but i am noticing a major difference in my FPS where just by adding it i am dropping from around 80 to like 10FPS in Unity.... Is there something i am missing? or should be doing to make sure this doesnt happen




looks like it adds 1617 shadow casters


Also how do i add images directly in here i dont see where that option is

Time of day is realtime lighting so casting the shadows in the environment there is a shadow multiplier that can reduce the overall draw distance for shadows.

Also SSGI in advanced lighting is enabled by default, this can be an expensive feature on the GPU if you don't have a high end gpu.

Lookign at your screenshot it looks like you don't actually have any light source in your before screenshot, what do you have in your scene object wise?

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ITs a Very Basic Test Scene with A plane, A character and a few Environmental Assets like cliffs and rocks with ground textures very min. I had removed most things in the scene trying to figured out what the cause was until i got to the TOD and removed it then i started looking into it more

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2 hours ago, jCarrot said:

ITs a Very Basic Test Scene with A plane, A character and a few Environmental Assets like cliffs and rocks with ground textures very min. I had removed most things in the scene trying to figured out what the cause was until i got to the TOD and removed it then i started looking into it more

Well if it's just a few things then that won't explain the shadow casting count. Maybe you have other light sources still enabled in the scene casting these shadows.

What pc specs are you running?

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1 hour ago, jCarrot said:

Those are very decent specs, are you running 4K in scene view and if so are you using DLSS? you'll need to use that in 4k in HDRP to get decent frame rate. Also note that unity has a lot of overhead in the editor. I have a scene that runs at 30fps in the editor but in builds i get 78-100 fps.

Those are specs i run. Could you try a build and see if the fps runs fine in a build and it's just the editor overhead. But yeah use DLSS - Unity DLSS

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yes i should have said i did a build before and it was similar on this but I am running the 4k and also noticed a difference with that but not enough.... i have not tryied the DLSS so will look into that now thanks.... i wasnt sure if i had missed a setting i needed to do on set up because it looks so good i want to cont to use it as before i always used Enviro or Unistorm and this looks and feels better than both

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3 hours ago, jCarrot said:

yes i should have said i did a build before and it was similar on this but I am running the 4k and also noticed a difference with that but not enough.... i have not tryied the DLSS so will look into that now thanks.... i wasnt sure if i had missed a setting i needed to do on set up because it looks so good i want to cont to use it as before i always used Enviro or Unistorm and this looks and feels better than both

Yes if you are using 4K resolution DLSS is almost a requirement in HDRP as it's very GPU heavy the DLSS will take a huge load of the GPU and CPU. Glad to hear you really like it.

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