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Auto Move Ambience Manager Question & Don't Destroy on Load


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I love this asset and am setting it up to use it as a general Audio Manager in my game, for playing all music and SFX. On this point, I have three issues:

  1. I have a persistent managers scene that is loaded additively and persists throughout the game. Instead of using DontDestroyOnLoad() on my persistent managers, I simply put them in that scene. My Audio Manager and Ambience Manager is on this scene. So I do not need DontDestroyOnLoad() in Ambience Manager, although I cannot find an option for it, is there any? I can manually comment out DontDestroyOnLoad() lines in the script but am wondering if that would cause other issues.
  2. Is it really necessary to move Ambience Manager to the tracked player object? I set up a scene and set the player object but did move Ambience Manager to it. It seems to work fine, including for triggering sequences in audio areas.
  3. Despite the fact that I am not moving Ambience Manager when loading my actual game scene from menu, there is a slight disruption in the sequence during scene load. The music essentially stops a few seconds during scene load and then continues, which bugs my ears. Is there a solution for this? Or loading scenes async will always cause this issue? I noticed Ambience Manager finds audio areas when my main scene loads so it might be doing some init operation but I cannot find out what exactly is happening there.

I am using version 1.2.10-c5 and here is how Ambience Manager looks in my scene:


Thanks a ton for your time in advance!

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You could comment it out, but we had an issue where some cases it would need to transfer from scene to scene. 
It would also destroy when it needed to be kept. This is a classic case of different use cases, you should be fine commenting this out. 


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Thanks a ton Bryan! I know my post was long but can you please also respond to items 2 and 3 (I quoted below for convenience):

  1. Is it really necessary to move Ambience Manager to the tracked player object? I set up a scene and set the player object but did move Ambience Manager to it. It seems to work fine, including for triggering sequences in audio areas.
  2. Despite the fact that I am not moving Ambience Manager when loading my actual game scene from menu, there is a slight disruption in the sequence during scene load. The music essentially stops a few seconds during scene load and then continues, which bugs my ears. Is there a solution for this? Or loading scenes async will always cause this issue? I noticed Ambience Manager finds audio areas when my main scene loads so it might be doing some init operation but I cannot find out what exactly is happening there.


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