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Gaia Player controls don't work


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I have come back to Gaia Pro 2021 after not having used it for a while. I have a project in Unity 2022.2. I can create a terrain using the Gaia Manager and everything looks fine. When I click play, the mouse enables me to look around but the movement keys don't generate any movement. Moreover, when I build 3rd person with "Ethan" he appears suspended in mid-air in addition to the movement keys not generating movement. Anyone else have/had this issue? If so, any advice on a fix?

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Hi @vitp4145, if you have not used Gaia in a while, this might be related to the newer Unity input system: Gaias controller still rely on the older input system, can you please check under
Edit > Project Settings > Player
if the setting "Active Input Handling" is either set to "Input Manager" or "Both"?


If that setting is correct already, could you please check if the default input axes are defined in the Input manager settings? They should be part of the default setup for unity, but we have seen cases where those were missing in the project.


The part with Ethan being suspended in mid-air sounds odd as well, does the playmode go immediately into pause mode when the scene was started, maybe because "Pause on Error" is enabled?

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