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Remove water?


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Does anyone know if it's possible to remove the water at a particular location? 

Let's say I have sea level 50 and place a house with basement on an isle. The water should not be rendered in the basement. Only around the isles.

Is there a a way to do this with Gaia Water Sytem? If so, how?spacer.png

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You would want to create a game object cube etc. 
Then add the component Disable underwater FX Trigger. 
Make sure to assign the tag check to player. 
Then just place that where you need that to go. 


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  • 3 months later...

Hello there,

I have the same question/issue. By following your explanation, I couldn't get this to work. I went through the script and I've noticed that this object needs to have a collider that has a trigger. This made it work partially: While being underwater you dont have the effects anymore, but the water surface is still there.

I think I have a solution for this, but before I am going to do that manual work, I might aswell ask if a) this works and b) if there is any better way to achieve this?:

- Create a custom mesh for the water with a hole in the mesh where you want it
- Go into the Gaia Water Scene Object
- Select in the Gaia Scene Water Script the Sub-Menu Mesh Quality Settings
- Select Mesh Type "Custom"
- Select under CustomWaterMesh the mesh you just created

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Sorry for double posting, but I cannot edit the previous message anymore:

I am asking this, because I have a UseCase where I cant really tell beforehand where the "hole" in the water is (on a boat). That would mean that I would need to somehow redo the mesh at runtime whenever the boat moves if the above mentioned way would be the only possibility.

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Yes, I have done this before and went through the same steps. 
Just remember on the player you will need to make sure that the water Infinite is disabled. 
Otherwise, the water will move with the player. 

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