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Changing terrain transparency dynamically at runtime

Bruno Posokhow

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I am a Gaia Pro and Gena Pro customer building an Augmented Reality game using Unity 2021.3.15 and the latest version of the PW assets. 

The Player on the game will be able to designate a virtual points in their home environment (e.g. living room) to spawn a mountain at that 3D point. The player will be able to dynamically choose from a few mountain shapes at runtime to see the results in AR on top of their living space.

For reasons specific to the details of the game, we need to allow the Player to see through the terrain to see real world objects underneath the terrain during a build phase of the game. When the Player switches from Build phase to Play phase, we want the terrain to be opaque in order to give a realistic feel. 

As a result, we are looking for a way to dynamically change the transparency of the terrain at runtime depending on which phase of the game the player is at. 

Is that possible? Do you have a recommendation on how to achieve this effect?

Thank you for your help,



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Out of the box no, this wouldn't be possible. 
We could look into potentially making something like this for you, however, we would need to have a conversation regarding this. 

If you will please send an email to bryan@procedural-worlds.com 

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